Mozambique Domestic Cookstove Project

Price: 1000 kgCO2 = 10€


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Mozambique Domestic Cookstove Project

This project reduces greenhouse gas emissions by promoting energy
efficency and reducing consumption of fossil fuels and biomass in
Maputo, Mozambique. It provides for the replacement of 10,000
traditional cookstoves in the Chamanculo C and Xipamanine districts
with highly efficient cookstoves that result in fewer greenhouse gas
emissions, thereby protecting natural resources and improving the
livelihoods of the local population.

The new technology reduces the amount of woody biomass consumed
by up to 50%, reduces poverty in the area, and promotes efficient, safe and clean energy consumption.

The project induces a lower risk of respiratory diseases due to smoke emission – the cookstoves consume less charcoal per family per day – and fewer injuries caused by exposure to open fires. Less time is needed for fuel purchasing and cooking activities, thus freeing up more time for other domestic tasks such as caring for and educating children.

Sustainability Development Goals of the Project
